Saturday, May 8, 2010

Baby Bump Pics


14 weeks

17 weeks

18 weeks

Not much to see here...yet. And I had to archive my pre-pregnancy belly since I will probably never see it again.

Today I'm contemplating the pain. I made the mistake of YouTubing women having contractions...ouch! Of course, these ladies weren't employing the methods I've been reading about. Even though I haven't received it yet, I am forever grateful to my cousin for sending me a relaxation method she used while she gave birth at home to her FOURTEEN POUND BABY!

I'm also contemplating the term "labor." Labor means hard work. I'm going to need some endurance for the pain and the labor...I should probably start exercising. It's tough just to walk briskly for a half hour, and that's with NO pain. Hmmm....yes, I should definitely reconsider my exercise program (or lack thereof).


Anita said...

You look awesome!! Thanks for showing your progress! I'm sure you are looking forward to your ultrasound coming up! Almost half-way there!!! YEAH!!

Alissa said...

Thank you! Yes, we're really looking forward to it. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and let us know if it's a boy or a girl:)