Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pregnancy Mysteries

Ok....I know I've already done a lot of complaining about pregnancy, but I'm still not done. Actually, I'm not really complaining this time, I'm just pointing out some of the little amusing "mysteries."

1.) Food aversions/cravings: Why do I gag every time I even see a jar of spaghetti sauce (or say "spaghetti sauce" for that matter), but I can eat salsa by the gallon? It's pretty much the same thing. They look the same anyway.... And why on earth can't I stand to eat chocolate?? I can eat sweets with chocolate in them, but not pure chocolate. Gag!

2.) Being sick: NOT FAIR that pregnant women have a comprised immune system. I realize that this is so that your body doesn't reject the baby as a "foreign object" but still, there's got to be another way. Not only is the threat of morning sickness looming for AT LEAST 12 weeks (sometimes longer), but I can get sick on top of that??? I haven't been sick for YEARS. Not even a cold. Well, I finally got a cold...a pretty bad one. The kind where you have to sleep sitting up in a recliner two nights in a row so the entire contents of your sinuses doesn't glue you to your pillow? That kind.

3.) Sneezing/peeing: I have never had to worry about peeing my pants when I sneeze...until now. The evil thing about this is that for some reason since my uterus has grown to a significant size, I don't always feel the urgency to pee. When I do, my body suddenly feels the urge to sneeze. Thanks a lot!

4.) Feeling lazy: I know I have a 24/7 job with growing a baby, but I am a chronic multi-tasker. However, the term "multitask" can no longer be a part of my vocabulary. When I'm feeling full of energy the most I can push myself to do is shower and pick a few things up at the grocery store. After that it's time for a long nap! Kudos to any woman who works a full-time job while pregnant! These women are superheros. I am not. And huge kudos to my dear husband who has had to begin making his own dinner. I can't stomach it and I just don't have the energy to do it.

I take comfort in the fact that the worst part is almost over, and of course, that there's a precious little BOY coming that will help me forget all about this part. That's it for now (I'm getting tired). I guess most of this stuff is supposed to go away after the first trimester. Only 1 1/2 weeks left!!!! Then maybe I'll start feeling like a normal person again! Can't wait!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What more can I say???

How on earth do you describe something too amazing for words? Maybe that's why Jesus is called, "The Word." Because any breakdown of language couldn't describe Him in full.

I can tell you my story, but you'd have to see God's work in me to really understand. I'll do my best to tell the story anyway. It's very simple really. God has delivered me from anxiety once and for all!! I'm happy to say the miracle wasn't that I woke up one morning and suddenly had no fear. The miracle was that I woke up and realized that I am free!!! Praise God!

So, during the course of that first day I tackled some of the "monsters" that have paralyzed me for the last few months. I reclaimed territory that I had falsely begun to believe was too full of giants for me to dare step foot on. Since then I've had many opportunities to expand my territory. For instance, last night I went to a hockey game in Lansing, went to a restaurant AND ATE (!), and then drove half the way home. It's hard to explain to someone what a big deal this is for me if they have never experienced anxiety before. But everyone has a "Goliath." This was mine.

Praise God! He is good! What more can say??