Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Pregnancy Mysteries

Ok....I know I've already done a lot of complaining about pregnancy, but I'm still not done. Actually, I'm not really complaining this time, I'm just pointing out some of the little amusing "mysteries."

1.) Food aversions/cravings: Why do I gag every time I even see a jar of spaghetti sauce (or say "spaghetti sauce" for that matter), but I can eat salsa by the gallon? It's pretty much the same thing. They look the same anyway.... And why on earth can't I stand to eat chocolate?? I can eat sweets with chocolate in them, but not pure chocolate. Gag!

2.) Being sick: NOT FAIR that pregnant women have a comprised immune system. I realize that this is so that your body doesn't reject the baby as a "foreign object" but still, there's got to be another way. Not only is the threat of morning sickness looming for AT LEAST 12 weeks (sometimes longer), but I can get sick on top of that??? I haven't been sick for YEARS. Not even a cold. Well, I finally got a cold...a pretty bad one. The kind where you have to sleep sitting up in a recliner two nights in a row so the entire contents of your sinuses doesn't glue you to your pillow? That kind.

3.) Sneezing/peeing: I have never had to worry about peeing my pants when I sneeze...until now. The evil thing about this is that for some reason since my uterus has grown to a significant size, I don't always feel the urgency to pee. When I do, my body suddenly feels the urge to sneeze. Thanks a lot!

4.) Feeling lazy: I know I have a 24/7 job with growing a baby, but I am a chronic multi-tasker. However, the term "multitask" can no longer be a part of my vocabulary. When I'm feeling full of energy the most I can push myself to do is shower and pick a few things up at the grocery store. After that it's time for a long nap! Kudos to any woman who works a full-time job while pregnant! These women are superheros. I am not. And huge kudos to my dear husband who has had to begin making his own dinner. I can't stomach it and I just don't have the energy to do it.

I take comfort in the fact that the worst part is almost over, and of course, that there's a precious little BOY coming that will help me forget all about this part. That's it for now (I'm getting tired). I guess most of this stuff is supposed to go away after the first trimester. Only 1 1/2 weeks left!!!! Then maybe I'll start feeling like a normal person again! Can't wait!

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