Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black What???

While millions of people stood in line in the dark hours before the retail stores opened, I was wrapped tightly in a heavy, warm quilt on Grandma's living room sofa.

While millions of people breathed each other's air in crowded aisles and stood in long check-out lines, I walked along the gravel roads that lie between yellow fields that stretch out into the infinite sky and breathed the freshest air I've breathed for almost a year.

If you ask me, I got the best deal of the season on black Friday.


JR Hart said...

While people trampled a Wal-mart worker until he got a heartattack and died...

Alissa said...

I HEARD ABOUT THAT!!!! That's freaking makes me mad that people are so selfish and materialistic that they would knock over and trample someone!!! Hello??? How do you NOT see that you are stepping on someone???? Why didn't anyone stop? That's just retarded, evil, and very very sad.

Honeybee said...

I'm with you on the clean air of the country; it's wonderful in the Rockies as well. How people can just ignore others like the walmart shoppers did is so beyond my comprehension as well.

JR Hart said...

I know! That's part of the reason you won't find me out aggresively shopping on Black Friday. Well, the crowds are ridiculous but all that work for a "deal". I'd rather pay more money.

My dad went out at 5am to buy a camera and the lines were already too long. He had to park at Kelsey's Steak House at Wal-mart, that's how full the parking lot was!

Stupid people! :D

Unknown said...

Yeah, we just ordered our stuff online this year. found out we could get the same deals without the chaos. Gotta love the country!

Alissa said...

Rockies, online shopping, sleeping in......all great alternatives to crowds, poopy air, and death... :)