Wednesday, November 25, 2009

God is big -- really really big!!

It's a bit frustrating when you realize that the obvious has been such a mystery for such a long time.

Here is the obvious-made mystery-made obvious to me this week: God is really really really big!

He cannot be contained in words; He is The Word.

He cannot be contained in a creature or creation; He is the Creator.

He cannot be contained in a checkbook or a paycheck; He already paid the debt.

Here is the other truth that follows: Satan is very very very small.

He is contained by one Word.

God is present in, but not contained by our lives, our words, our thoughts, our finances, our moments.....

1 comment:

Kristin Emily said...

wow, Alissa. Thank you for writing that - I'm tearing up. I love you. I'm so happy to hear God is speaking to you and teaching you so much right now.