Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I think it's time to say good-bye

I think it's time to say good-bye to my dog, Bella. My life has reached a point of busy-ness, and perhaps has been at that point for quite some time, that keeping her is unfair for us both. I do my best to take her for half hour walks every day, but at two years old and with her being a springer spaniel/lab mix, she has way too much energy than I have time to help her expend it. She enjoys the walks and the trips to the dog park, but for the ten hours that she's couped up in my house she builds up all kinds of anxiety. And I, for the ten hours I am at work, and for the other 3 or 4 I'm out with friends or doing church activities, become anxious about the time my poor dog is forced to spend alone. It just is not fair to either of us. So, I'm in the process (I'm taking my time) of trying to find a patient family who will take her. She belongs in a family that has a dog or two already, and that owns lots of land where she can run around all day long. I love her dearly and as far as I know, I'm the only person on the earth she trusts, but I believe she deserves a better life than I give her.

It's hard to say good-bye, but it's best for us both.


Honeybee said...

Sorry, Alissa.

Anita said...

Oh, Alissa! Chris and I have been where you are and it is HARD!! BUT - God provided a great home for both of our dogs - a home that each one of them needed! I know he will do the same for Bella. Be patient - that home will come.

Alissa said...

Well, I've had a day to think and cry about it...I just can't let her go yet. I figured, yeah, she could have a better life, but she doesn't know that! She's seems pretty happy. At least I'm a better owner than her previous owner... But I would like to actively start looking at working from home...I'm such a sucker!