Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Life Update

So, an update on my life....

I'm happy.

My life is different, but I'm not afraid (for a change).

I've managed to meet an incredible guy. Even though I've said it about every other guy I've been with recently, I'm going to say it about him too...he may actually be THE ONE. Of course I say that and at the same time I'm thinking, "Yeah, right. You've said that about all the other ones too."

But this one is different. "Aren't they all?"

But really...from beginning to the present this one is different. First of all, the night I met him I thought that he had no interest in me. In fact, he seemed very annoyed by me, so I figured I had made a horrible first impression, and therefore had nothing to lose by being completely "Alissa" in front of him. I didn't care if I impressed him or not...I was just...me:)

My "Alissaness" may have interested him a little, but according to him, it wasn't until I shared my testimony and my passion for God that he was hooked. While we took turns encouraging another friend at the table with testimonies and Bible verses, I also began to think he was pretty interesting, but shoved off any chance of ending up with a guy like this.

When the night ended, one of the girls who was hanging out with us suggested that we all exchange phone numbers. After we all exchanged phone numbers, I got in my car, put on my seat belt, and shifted into reverse when my phone rang. It was him calling from across the parking lot. I thought I had dropped something or left something at the restaurant. I picked up the phone and said, "Tom Case, why are you calling me? I'm 10 feet away." (I found out later this dashed his confidence...he had only given himself a 40% chance with me to begin with). Then he asked me something, to which I replied, "Hold on a second. I can't hear you." (My music was too loud). So he asked again, "Do you want to go out to coffee with me?" I promptly replied, "yes," and the rest is history.

The following Monday we went on our date, which I wasn't even sure was a date until about the day before. As it turns out, we didn't have coffee, but we had about the most perfect first date imaginable! We went to the state park on Lake Michigan, walked a trail to the dunes, jumped down and ran up the giant dunes, and then sat by the water during sunset and talked until the moon was bright in the sky.


So, here I am. Happy. Trying to enjoy "happy" but also feeling quite suspicious about it. When does everything come crashing down around me? Is it ok to feel this happy? Thankfully, I've enjoyed every moment of it, but never without that cynical voice lingering somewhere in the background.

I'll take it one moment at a time...and I'll love every second of it!


cindylou said...

i'm so excited for you! new relationships are always fun, so cherish it. but guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life!

JR Hart said...

You should never be ashamed of being Alissa around anybody. People like Alissa. :D

Congratulations too! I saw pics up on FB!

Alissa said...

Thanks, guys! I'm pretty excited. He's pretty darn special :)