Monday, August 1, 2011

Just a number

I saw it on the license plate of the Ford Escape parked next to the cabin.

I saw it again when I checked the time while sitting in the car in front of Subway.

...And again, as an exit number while traveling down the highway.


It's not a magic number, but it is a simple reminder to stop and remember He is here.

He knows I need to be reminded when I get caught up in tasks that need to be completed, stress that I can't shake off, worry over my husband or our son, or whatever unwelcome feeling that is accosting me that day. And in the midst of the spinning, and even in the desperate seeking after Him, He stops me in my tracks with that agreed upon sign: 222. And then a double 4:44 P.M.

I that all these things are not bigger or more eternal than God. He loves me and will show me that He loves me in whatever way He can get through to me. Sometimes that's a shooting star, and sometimes it's just a number.

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