Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I've been feeling too much and thinking way too much to stay calm anymore, so this is going to be almost completely stream of consciousness hubbub for the next few minutes. The only way I can console myself right now is to "blah" and keep "blahing" until this goes away.

Feeling? Feeling what? Love, or something like it?? More likely, I'm enamoured. I'm completely swept off my feet. All this "feeling" while my brain is telling me that it is impossible that he is so great, that I could know (or think I know?) that he's perfect for me after only a month. This all must be a joke. When I look back at my "list" *check check check* it's all there! How can that be?? I'm an optimist when things are going badly, but when things are good, like really good, like this, I'm a total pessimist. I'm waiting for something to hit the fan. I'm just waiting for it all to crumble into a million tiny pieces. But seriously, it's like I went to the "Build-A-Mate" store and customized a mate for myself. Is this a total blessing from God, or a cruel joke?

By the way, remember that snide blog about finding Superman?? Well, his middle name is "Clark." Cruel! Cruel! Cruel!


Ok...I don't really feel much better. Rachel, call me.

1 comment:

JR Hart said...

I highly doubt that it's a cruel joke of any kind. If he meets your list and has every quality you're looking for, that's a good sign! I knew when you made that commitment to be single for a year, God would bring you someone before the year ended. :D