Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mr. Right

Waiting is easy until you find what you’re waiting for…

Nearly 7 months ago, I declared that I would be single for a year. I was determined to stick it out NO MATTER WHAT. If a guy I thought was “Mr. Right” came along, he would have to wait (see entry from June called “Single for a Year”). There’s a part of me that knew someone would come along during the year that would make me want to try to wriggle myself out of this commitment. I was right.

So far he’s everything I want and need in a guy. And whether it’s God’s fulfillment of my heart’s desire or it’s a trick of the devil, he even has all the unimportant things I wanted in a guy, but didn’t require – drives a pick-up, was in the Air Force, is handy, can cook, clean, and do laundry, and is extremely...(how should I put this?)…well, he gives Brad Pitt a run for his money. And here’s the kicker…I told him about my commitment to being single for a year and he said he would wait for me—5 months, 1 year, however long I need! He seems too good to be true. Mom always said, “If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.”

So, I have my guard WAY up.



Although I have nothing to base this on, I doubt he’ll be around in 5 months. But I have to trust that God knew this guy would come along before my commitment was up. Maybe this guy is just a test…or maybe he’s…………...NO! I have to remind myself that I’ve thought that about every decent guy that has come along, and so far I’ve been wrong 100% of the time! I guess the only thing I know for sure is that I don’t know anything…

…and that I must keep waiting…


Anonymous said...

Tough times sista! Sorry I can't be of any help in this department. I think its amazing that you are going to fulfill the year promise you made. Just think how greater it will be when it finally happens and there will be no guilt whatsoever? Keep your guards but not so much so that you push him away. I can't wait to meet this stud and make sure that he is as great as you believe him to be. just watchin out for ya babe!

Alissa said...

I'm pretty confident you'll like him too :) But if you don't, you NEED to tell me!

Rachel said...

Well, well, well.

Alissa said...

Rachel, my dear, you say so much by those three words. Would you like to expound??

Anita said...

Just a thought to ponder. I met Chris soon after I swore off ALL men!! (Yeah, I wasn't that strong, because I actually asked him out!) I just knew. Just remember, friendship is the basis of ANY relationship - so you can always start there and see if this guy is all you think he is. (And hopefully he doesn't read your blog, huh?)

Alissa said...

I'm all about the friendship right now.

For realz, I hope he doesn't read my blog. I don't think he even knows it exists...