Monday, March 30, 2009

Broken Hearts

A broken heart really is like nothing else. I'm almost positive it's about as close to death as you can be without actually being dead, and that's why most people avoid it. There are those that act like everything is just fine, and there are those that wear the broken heart on their sleeve. Then there are those like me...they die. I died...or at least I was as close to death as I could be without actually being dead...I slept as much as I could, I didn't eat, I went numb, I didn't feel or think, at times I even stopped breathing. My friends and co-workers said I even looked pale and lifeless. In fact, many people actually welcomed me back when I finally shook it!

So yeah, I loved hard knowing that if it failed, I would also fall hard....and I fell really hard...but only for a while. It happened last Monday night and I was beginning to live again by Wednesday afternoon. I don't know what happened really, but I guess I just embraced it.

I can't go back; I can only move forward.

I was fabulous when I was with someone and I'm fabulous without him!

And I can't say that I regret anything! I didn't get a friend out of the deal, but I got away with some other great things that I'm not sure I would have gained so quickly had I not met him. Through him, God taught me the value of gratitude, showed me a great example of servanthood, and most of all, helped me be less afraid of everyday life. So, if that was the purpose of having a great guy in my life only for a short period of time, then I have to say that walking with the pain for a while is worth walking with the gain forever.


JR Hart said...

I'm sorry...

Alissa said...

Well, you know what "they" say....meh...

JR Hart said...

I don't pay much attention to what "they" say... cuz "they" aren't always right... :D

rn said...

There is a silver lining, as cliche as that sounds.

Alissa said...

Very fact, I think I've already found the silver lining! Now, shouldn't there be a pot of gold too?!