Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I’ve always said that you know the character of a person by what they’re like when no one’s around. I’m regretting believing this, because that means I am now having to face the darker side of myself. Generally, I’m pretty optimistic, but catch me on an off day (like today) and you’d never believe it. I know this mood will probably pass in the time it takes to write this. Right now I’m pretty bummed. It especially settled in when I drove by the gas station and saw that gas went up again. I’m not surprised really, but for a while I was living in fairy land since the prices hadn’t seemed to go up for about a week.
I understand the price of gas is goosing just about everyone, but it knocks me out. TKO. With a gas budget of $25 a week, I’m having to skip extracurricular activities and trips to the grocery store. Home, even though it’s only 2 ½ hours from here is now much, much farther away. I would love to go home to Indiana once a month, but it’s impossible…oh wait, no it’s not! All I have to do is not eat for two weeks!

Here’s the kicker…I’m trying to pay off debt, which is a great idea, but somehow after paying all of my bills I’m left with $1.93 to my name and not one penny of my last paycheck (or any of the last 20 paychecks) went to fun stuff.

I’m not doing myself or anybody else any good by complaining, though. It’s when I come to this realization that I generally decide that I’m not going to sit here and be sad. Now would be a great time to trust God! And in order to make the devil REALLY mad, I’m going to dance and sing and be silly like a kid. In case you wonder what song I like to do the aforementioned to, check it out:


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