Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Nevertheless, a Woman Through and Through

I'm not really a girly girl. One of my favorite memories from high school was not getting ready for prom (in fact, I didn't go to prom); my favorite memories were of my best friends, Kristin and Rachel, and I running around in the woods by Rachel's house. We were savage in the woods (except, I do remember walking a mile out of the woods to use the restroom at Rachel's house). We would come out of the woods covered in dirt from head to toe, smelling like earth and sweat, but at the same time, feeling as alive as we've ever felt!

Besides that, I bite my nails. I don't keep up with my hair appointments. At almost every turn, I would rather be doing what the guys are doing. Sometimes I'd rather play video games than go to a make-up party. I'd rather drink beer than margaritas. I feel more comfortable talking about farting and pooping than I do talking about babies. I generally feel more comfortable around a group of guys than a group of girls.

Despite these things, through and through, I have a woman's heart. For the most part, I would describe myself as more passionate than emotional, but I'm still quite emotional. I melt when I see a puppy or a baby. My heart breaks almost every day. I cry during Grey's Anatomy and during the season finale of House. I can take care of myself, but in some things I'd rather be taken care of. For instance, I'd rather hire someone to fence in my backyard, or unclog a drain, or paint my house than do it myself. But God has awakened a passion in me over the last year or so that has never been so alive in me. I have a passion to be an excellent wife and mother, first of all, but also to minister, to nuture, pray for, and serve others in need. I don't know if I have what it takes, but if it begins with desire, then there's no question I have a good start.

I believe all that will come in God's time. For now, I am perfectly content having God as my "husband," the world as my "children," and a lot of free time!!


Joel said...

You also hold the record for loudest burp I have ever heard a woman make ;) Your friends wouldn't want you any other way :)

Alissa said...

Really? They should make a trophy for that sort of thing!