Saturday, September 27, 2008

A couple months ago I declared that I knew the passion of my life--to be a wife and a mother. I've changed my mind. At this point in my life I have absolutely no desire to be a mother, especially since my boss came to work on Thursday late, unshowered, and getting by on 2 hours of sleep because she had been up all night attending to her two puking daughters and the carpet they puked on. No thanks!

I really like where I am right now. I'm single and have no kids of my own. Now that I have my group of girls for Lifeline, I have kids of my own in a sense, but these go home and I don't have to clean up their puke :) And being single is great for me right now, because my time and energy aren't tied up in just one person. I have time and energy for tons of people! It's tempting for me to say that I always want to be like this, but someday I might change my mind again.

Really, if I'm being totally honest, the only reason I ever wanted to be a wife and mother is so that I would have an extra paycheck to live off of and so I could eventually "work from home." Yes, I know that's completely horrible, but there's no way I'm the only one who has ever thought such a thing. The good thing is that I've at least realized that my reasons were shallow. I have enough to be responsible for right now...I'm not ready to add a husband and kids to the mix. I fully realize that I will likely change my mind (again!) down the road. But to wish to always be single and have no kids means that I'm loving where I'm at right now! Yay! Finally!

1 comment:

Honeybee said...

Good for you, Alissa!