Monday, September 15, 2008

Single for Life?

I'm really beginning to believe that I will never ever ever get married...(here's where I would like to finish the sentence by saying, "...and I'm totally fine with that!" But I'm not...not really...well, kind of. Anyway, end parentheses).

I know for a fact that I'm not ready to get married yet, and it's certainly not a goal of mine, but it would be nice to have someone in my life who really REALLY gets me...someone who is not just my "other half," but who makes me more me than I have ever been.

The problem is that there are only two things I'm looking for in a guy (besides the obvious, like he has to be a guy, he has to breathing, he has to be single etc). Why is that a problem? Because very very few meet my two criteria. And of the few, there's only one who I'll hit it off with, so that narrows it down even more. The bright side to this is the knowledge that THERE IS ONLY ONE out there...just for me! I just wonder how he'll ever find me, or if he ever will.

For now I'm content. And if God desires for me to be single for life, then that's ok too. But if not, then no matter what--even if I have to wait until I'm 80 before he comes along--I'm going to wait for him.

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