Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is Labor Day for anyway?

Strangers who never knocked on my door before are now knocking. They're asking me silly and personal questions like, "Are you fed up with the current administration?" and "If you had to vote today, who would you vote for?" I tell them I'll vote for whoever helps me fix up my house so I can sell it. If they can't help me, they don't get my vote. Sorry.

Anyway, Labor Day weekend was unbelieveable! There was a summer a few years back where I was home from college and I wasn't working. I spent my days reading by the pool, developing a fantastic tan, and spending late nights out with my friends. I remember at the time thinking that I better enjoy it because it was probably going to be the last summer I would have like that. Sad to say, it was. But this weekend, though much shorter than that summer, was wonderfully similar except I cherished it even more. A couple days before I went home, God helped me to realize that I have forgotten how to enjoy the quiet and peaceful moments of my life. I used to enjoy life more than I complained about it and over the years, the exact opposite has happened. Anyway, I'm glad He showed me this before the weekend because I was finally able to cherish the wonderful moments.

Friday night I sat at the bar with my ice water and a few friends. I felt the cool breeze on my face and I noticed the vagueness that night lights reveal. On Saturday night, I watched the sun set from the backseat of Christina's PT Cruiser as Sean, Christina, and I rushed to Old Navy in Merriville before it closed. And afterward we met up with some friends at a local bar. I was able to take myself out west as my friend, Alan, told me about a 3 week trip he took on his motorcycle to see the Grand Tetons, Old Faithful, and the mountains of Utah. On Sunday night I laid out by the pool and looked at the stars. In preparation for a long conversation, I took a deep breath and said, "Ok, God," and before I could say another word, a star shot across the sky!

I didn't make it to the Dunes like I had planned and I didn't swim at night with the pool light on and I didn't get to go on a walk and talk about God with my friend, Tim. But I didn't need those things in order to make the weekend any better. I got to relax. I got to enjoy every moment. I got to feel what it's like to be real again. I couldn't have asked for more.

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